Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Heart Trusts

I love it when the Lord gives me a pre-trouble verse. My time with God is early in the morning, when the house and the world are still wrapped in darkness. That seems to be the best time for me to open my Bible and talk with God.

This morning, the divine whisper prompted me to turn to Psalm 28. There I read verse seven, “My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” I tried to read the rest of the chapter, but couldn’t seem to move beyond that verse. “My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.”

So I spent the rest of my devotion time, just thanking God for helping me throughout the day. I had no idea that later in the morning, I would become a target. Without any provocation, I landed in the middle of some office politics. I spent several moments at my desk, just praying for those who were angry with me. I opened my Bible and prayed Psalm 28:7 for the situation, praising God for his help. Rejection attacked, and I recognized how the enemy wanted to use it to send me into discouragement. I repeated the verse again and again, claiming God’s promise to help me.

Fortunately, everything soon returned to normal. By the end of the day, plans were in motion to resolve the conflict. As I drove home, I praised God for sending that pre-trouble verse before anything happened and for reminding me to let my heart trust in him because He would help me.

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