Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God's Rewrites

At my temp job, I’m rewriting a church’s website. One of the things I’m doing is checking the readability stats for their current website, then rewriting each page to make it more readable. Unfortunately, the American public now reads at a 3rd-4th grade level. So anything on this website above those levels would be almost a foreign language. I’m working to change this website from 9th-10th grade levels so that visitors to the site can understand it.

God often rewrites the lessons of life. When I don’t understand why it’s taking so long to find that permanent job, God turns my questions into truth. This morning, he reminded me from Psalm 37 to commit it to him and he would bring it to pass.

When my car’s brakes started squeaking again, even though I’ve had both sets replaced – God sent me back to Psalm 37 to underline the verse, “Do not fret.”

As I sat in my old club chair this evening and wished for the thousandth time that I had a new recliner, God whispered Psalm 37:4, “I will give you the desires of your heart.”

I think I need to go read Psalm 37 and thank God for the rewrites of my life.

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