Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 Powerful Verbs

“…Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, who is the help of my countenance and my God” (Ps. 43:5b).

Almost every day this week, God has reminded me in his about 3 powerful verbs. These verbs seem to be the action I need to take as I look forward to a job. One verb is Wait. That doesn’t mean I just sit around, eat chocolate and feel sorry for myself. I’m still going to job fairs, looking on the web for openings and making sure my resume is the best it can be. To wait on the Lord means to let him take care of the details, move his puzzle pieces around and open a door for me.

Hope is the 2nd verb. Staying in hope is important, because without it, the enemy throws discouragement down my throat. Hope is the action word for the foundation of faith. Because I know God has a good plan for me and still wants me to be his servant, I have hope that some day that job will appear.

The last verb is Expect. Although I’m doing everything I can to search for a job, prepare for interviews and listen to my network; I fully expect God to surprise me with something only he can do. He is the one who has gifted me and decided which works I would do “…Since the foundation of the world” (Eph. 2:10). I expect him to open doors that no one can shut, to help me be a witness wherever I go and to place me where I can serve him best.

Wait. Hope. Expect. 3 powerful verbs that I’m living with and focusing on this week. The only other verb I need is Praise.


  1. Hope Expect and Wait indeed are powerful words! As I read this I had the thought that an acronym could be created with the beginning letters of these words HEW.

    The definition of hew is also very active. Make or shape as with an axe; "hew out a path in the rock".
    Strike with an axe; cut down, strike;
    So as you continue your job search may you take the sword of the Spirit cut down any discouragement and may our faithful God carve out the best plan for you!

  2. Thank you, Mary Beth - great advice - hewing through the discouragement and trusting in our faithful God.
