Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abundant Life

In the movie, "Last Holiday", Queen Latifah portrays a woman who believes she has only three weeks to live. She decides to quit her job, cash in her 401K and live the rest of her life to its fullest.

Her character, Georgia, travels to a resort where she wow's the wealthy, sticks up for the workers and becomes the focus of a culinary buffet. She buys beautiful clothes which accent her natural glamour. Throughout the movie, Georgia pampers herself, laughs with abandon and tries every adventurous escapade she can.

Beyond the feel-good message of the movie, we find a spiritual dimension. Even with a normal lifespan of 80+ years, our lives pass quickly. Every day is a gift - to work, to play and to dream. As Christians, we belong in an eternal state, but while we are chained to our mortal bodies, can't we also be an example of abundant living? Sure, life is hard, but sometimes we make it even more difficult with our sad attitudes of just surviving for one more day.

Jesus was not a sad, mopey person who complained about his struggles. He was a King who loved and lived freely. As his children, we emulate his life when we laugh, love and ignore fear. We can learn to wake up each morning and declare the next 24 hours as moments lived for God. We can embrace each hour as an opportunity to spread joy and peace rather than doom and gloom. We can approach each day as a challenge to find the good in it and show love to everyone we meet.

Queen Latifah's character received a new diagnosis and lived to see her dreams come true. Whether we have three weeks or three decades, life represents opportunities to be our best and live as examples of breathing hope.

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