Friday, February 18, 2011

Hope in the Unknown

Every time I turn on the television, pictures are being broadcast from the Middle East. After the revolution in Egypt, other nations surrounding Israel are in the midst of chaos and protest. It seems that volatile region again is embroiled in controversy and instability.

I have never pretended to be a scholar of prophecy, but every time something happens in that region of the world, I wonder…is this another sign of the end times? Is the anti-Christ on the verge of being revealed? Is it time for Christ to return and take his children home?

The Bible reminds us that no man knows the hour when the Son of Man returns, but we can be wise and fervent in our prayers. While we live each day here, our hearts yearn for the safety and security of those heavenly streets – the place where we will be free of all suffering, all despair and all sin.

But at the same time, our hearts break for the thousands of people who do not yet understand their need for a Savior:for those 20 Somethings who are just beginning their careers with hope and determination - yet without God, for those teenagers who are active in school and sports - but not actively seeking the Lord, for those farther along in age who have lived their entire lives without the peace of the Holy Spirit. These are the souls that should be most concerned about the situations in the Middle East.

Whether or not Christ comes back today, we who belong to him live in hope. But we must also live with the mindset of our mission – to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to share His love with the masses. The future is unknown, but our task is not. We must pray and work and live with that focus in mind. The clock is always ticking.

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